
Search within a sector with in: prefix

Search now supports an in: prefix for limiting the search to a particular sector:
Use quotes for sector names with spaces, but the sector name match is a prefix match so an abbreviation (spin, solo, troj, etc) will work too.


https available

You can now access the site via the alternative URL:
(Note: that's 'https' as in 'secure', and no 'www')

Not that the site stores any user data, but this (in theory) means that any data you post for rendering using the various tools can't be observed or modified by malicious network denizens thanks to end-to-end encryption. And if someone hijacks the site you'll get a certificate warning.

This may not work in really, really old operating systems like Windows XP, so I'm not going to redirect http requests to https for a bit. On the flip side, modern browsers are pretty strict about trusted sites including non-trusted content, so some random stuff may fail, so please give it a whirl and let me know if you see any glitches. Ω


Metadata Doc

A long time coming, but I finally wrote up slightly more human readable definition of the XML metadata format.


It doesn't explain everything, but should cover everything you actually need: borders, routes, allegiances, subsectors, labels, stylesheets, etc.



Text Rendering Is Hard

The only negative side effect I've noticed from the provider move is text rendering at small sizes. Prior to the move the rendering of text like world names was precise and very legible. Now... some letters are a bit anemic in places. It's only notable for text like world names, when portions of a letter like "E" may be only a single pixel wide. 
Old AntiAliased: note the high quality letter shaping
New AntiAliased: poor letter shaping, poor legibility
ClearType: poor letter shaping, better legibility

Text rendering is hard. Go read http://www.rastertragedy.com for the gruesome details. I rely entirely on the APIs provided by .NET for it, which relies on Windows support. There are plenty of options available for providing hints to the text rendering, and I use "antialias" which basically means rendering character glyphs as vectors and not getting too fancy with reshaping letters to improve legibility of text. That's great for images and lousy for swaths of text (like a web page or ebook), and the text may be a little fuzzy but the size and placement are exact.

Unfortunately, it looks like the "cloud" machines now hosting the site are not doing it the same way as the prior hosts. My guess is that there was GPU rendering on the old provider and without that a fast/dirty CPU fallback is used.

I tried changing hints, and some do improve the legibility of some text but makes other text far worse and pixelated. And even the "improved" text is... well, it doesn't look as elegant. *sigh*

Old AntiAliased: looks the best to me

New AntiAliased: World names are ugly, subsector name looks good

ClearType: note the "jaggies" on the subsector name
The good news is that if you're using a device with a high density ("retina") display, the problem doesn't appear since there are four times as many pixels for the renderer to play with, and that's the way of the future. It also doesn't affect print (PDF) output. 

New AntiAliased: High-DPI Rendering

I'll keep tracking this issue and see if I can improve things. I may be able to selectively tweak the output (e.g. only for world details, if low-DPI, etc). I'll also ping the hosting provider. 



Hosting Provider Change - Uptime Report

As noted, I switched hosting services a couple of weeks ago. The new hosts have 10x the memory and there are two of them for load balancing. Here's a graph (c/o Pingdom) showing "downtime" incidents:

Notice any changes circa October 10th?

FYI, the incidents usually lasted on the order of ~2 minutes and correspond to a server restart, usually due to the site's pixel crunching overwhelming the CPU limit on the servers under load.


Route Maker

I added a Route Maker tool to facilitate entry of route metadata by simply clicking on a map. It's a bit rough, but it's similar to a custom desktop application I put together a few years ago when I was inputting all of the Travellers Digest routes. Not too fancy, but better than typing.

Eventually I'll get Border Maker added as well, and ideally unify everything into a Metadata Maker or some such.



Hosting changes

To improve the responsiveness and reliability of the site, I've switched the hosting from DiscountASP.NET to Everleap (same company, different service). In theory, there are now two load-balanced virtual servers hosting the site with 10x the memory, so the site should be more responsive. I made the switch last night and was going to let it bake for a few days, but it was so much better already I flipped the DNS entries this morning while coffee was brewing.

As always, let me know if anything weird is happening or any files are missing due to the migration.

Also, I moved the Third Imperium archive to a new home: ThirdImperiumfanzine.info Ω


Imperiallines is back!

I just got the news from FFE - the old GDW newsletter Imperiallines has been resurrected by FFE to support T5.

T5 Imperiallines 06 is available on DriveThruRPG

At least check out the preview of the first page... if you're fans of mapping the OTU, you may find a teaser for good things to come!


Hosting Provider DDoS

DiscountASP.NET - the hosting provider for TravellerMap.com - is suffering from a DDoS attack so the map site is sluggish/unresponsive at the moment.

You can follow along on Twitter for details:


Good luck, guys!


UPDATE: This appears to be resolved. Ω


iOS issue? - FIXED

I pushed a code change to the site and, for some reason I haven't been able to determine yet, the site is failing to initialize properly when launched directly from the homescreen on iOS. If you load it in Safari it's fine.

I'll fix ASAP.


Fixed. I just needed to ensure that older versions of the scripts weren't used.

I also noticed and fixed an issue with "Add to Home Screen" - if you have moved the map from the default location before you pick "Add to..." it would embed the new location and options in the saved URL, and every time you open the map in "standalone" mode it will return to those coordinates; this annoying if you were at a random location/scale and particularly annoying if you had "Save Location" checked. Now the saved URL parameters are ignored if running "standalone".



Save Location & Save Preferences

If you're a long-time user of the site, you may not have noticed some options that I added recently under the settings (gear) menu:

  • Save Preferences
  • Save Location
If selected, these use your browser's local storage mechanism to persist the settings options (style, what to show, etc) and location (what coordinates are centered in the view) for the next time you visit the site. These options are particularly valuable on devices like the iPhone where you can "Add Link to Home Screen", so that if you switch away from the app and back again you won't lose your context.

These days, I find I usually check the options "Filled Borders" and "Dim Unofficial Data" since I want to look for flaws like missing borders or incomplete routes and prioritize corrections, but you may have different options you want to keep.

Anyway - use 'em if you want 'em. Each device you use to access the site will "remember" your settings differently. If you check "Save Location" but want to get back to an overview of Charted Space, click the "Home" button.



Real Milky Way

If you like the Traveller Map site, you might like http://galaxymap.org/ which attempts to explain the real Milky Way galaxy.

Just be aware that we have limited information about the large scale structure of our galaxy.

Oh, and real astronomers make orient Coreward (from the sun) down. Ω


Judges Guild Gateway Quadrant Sectors

Before the Atlas of the Imperium, in the days of GDW's land grants, the prolific publisher Judges Guild published four sector supplements defining the Gateway Quadrant:
While the quality of the publications was not necessarily up to the standards of GDW's Supplement 3 and Supplement 10, or necessarily of other licensees, it was a unique look at the wilds on the Trailing edge of the as-yet ill-defined Imperium.

The Atlas and other later works decanonized the Judges Guild sectors - only the names of three of the four sectors were retained (with Maranatha-Alkahest replaced by Gateway). But that doesn't mean that they're not fun places to explore!

Useful resources:
To preserve these for posterity, I've added them to the TravellerMap.com site. And to avoid overwhelming the UI with "which setting are you interested in?" clutter - and honestly, to make it easier to implement - I've simply placed the sectors far away from charted space. They're visible in search, or you can jump right to them:

Judges Guild Sectors - Gateway Quadrant

  • Data for Ley Sector from Galactic - transcription and corrections were done by Andrew Moffatt-Vallance 
  • Data for Maranatha-Alkahest Sector from Gateway Quadrant Wiki - transcriptions done by Jeff Rients, with additions and corrections by Joshua Bell
  • Data for Glimmerdrift Reaches Sector from Galactic - transcription and corrections were done by Andrew Moffatt-Vallance 
  • Data for Crucis Margin Sector from Galactic - transcription and corrections were done by Robin Ludbey




Apropos of nothing, stats for the last month, stuff over 1%. These are stats for site page loads - i.e. hitting the main map page, the poster/booklet makers, or anything in docs/.  Any amount of time spent on the map itself counts as one data point.


  • United States: 56%
  • United Kingdom: 13%
  • Germany: 6%
  • Australia: 5%
  • Canada: 3%
  • Japan: 3%
No real surprises there. English-speaking countries dominate, but strong showing in Germany thanks to long time support and recent innovation by 13Mann. Japan has a history of Traveller fandom as well (and awesome box art!)

Operating System:
  • Windows: 65%
  • iOS: 14%
  • Macintosh: 9%
  • Android: 6%
  • Linux: 4%
Windows use continues to decline, and mobile use is growing. Macintosh beating out Android is interesting. But the answer lies further down...

  • Chrome: 38%
  • Firefox: 29%
  • Safari: 13%
  • IE: 11%
  • Safari (in-app): 3%
  • Opera: 3%
  • Android Browser: 2%
I would have expected Safari to make a bigger showing thanks to iOS. The good news is that "evergreen" (continually updated) browsers are 70% of the audience.

  • Desktop: 79%
  • Tablet: 13%
  • Mobile: 8%
... and of non-desktop:
  • iPad: 49%
  • iPhone: 17%
  • ????: 5%
  • Nexus 10: 3%
  • Nexus 5: 2%
  • Nexus 7: 2%
  • Windows RT: 2%
Tablet usage higher than "mobile" (i.e. phone) usage is quite unusual. And iPad completely dominating here is also unusual. I guess the numbers support the anecdotes I've heard from users about using iPads while gaming. I rarely bust out a tablet, but I'll need to start prioritizing work in that area - e.g. making it easier to report bugs and so on.



Metadata Stylesheets

Sick of having to Copy/Paste this over and over again?

    <Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0202" />
    <Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0303" />
    <Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0404" /&gt;

And then you decide that Fu would be better represented with dotted cyan instead, and you need to do a Find/Replace? Oh, the drudgery.

I've added a new metadata element you can use to style a few elements, borders and routes. Here's what you do:

    route.Fu { color: pink; style: dashed; }

    <Route Allegiance="Fu" Start="0101" End="0303" />
    <Route Allegiance="Fu" Start="0101" End="0404" />

Now all of Fu's routes are dashed pink, and more easily changed to dotted cyan.

It's similar to the CSS language used in web pages. The basic structure is a list of rules:

selector, selector, ... { property: value; property: value; ... }

Selectors (the bit up front):
  • type - border or route
  • Optionally followed by a period (.), then allegiance
    • e.g. border.Im
  • Multiple selectors can be listed, separated with commas
    • e.g. border.JuPr, border.JuRu, border.JuHl { color: blue; }
Declarations (the bit in the back):
  • A declaration list occurs in { braces } after the selector list.
  • Each declaration has a property, colon (:), value, semicolon (;)
  • Semicolons are terminators, not separators. You need a trailing semicolon after every declaration. This is different from CSS.
  • color -  HTML color name or six-digit hex color #rrggbb
    • e.g. pink or #FFC0CB
  • width - integer or floating point number
    • e.g. 2 or 1.5 or -123.456e23
  • style
    • solid, dashed or dotted
  • borders have only color
  • routes have color, width, and style
  • routes can use Type instead of Allegiance
    • e.g. route.Trade would select
  • You can use /* comments */ anywhere you can put spaces.
  • Within identifiers, you can use backslash (\) to escape characters like spaces
    • e.g. route.Core\ Route { color: purple; }
  • Explicit values on an element take precedence over a matching stylesheet rule.
Language boffins - here's the grammar:

stylesheet       := WS rule-list WS
rule-list        := rule*
rule             := selector-list '{' WS declaration-list '}' WS
selector-list    := selector WS ( ',' WS selector )* WS
selector         := element ( '.' code )?
element          := IDENT
code             := IDENT
declaration-list := declaration*
declaration      := property WS ':' WS value WS ';' WS
property         := IDENT
value            := IDENT | NUMBER | COLOR
IDENT            := [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_] | '\' ANY)* 
NUMBER           := '-'? [0-9]* ('.' [0-9]+) ([eE] [-+]? [0-9]+)?
COLOR            := '#' [0-9A-F]{6}
WS               := ( U+0009 | U+000A | U+000D | U+0020 | '/' '*' ... '*' '/')*

And the source is on GitHub, of course. Also on GitHub you'll find the default stylesheet, which is applied after any values on the elements themselves and any sector-specific stylesheet:

border.Im { color: red; }
route.Im { color: green; }

border.SoCf { color: orange; }
route.SoCf { color: green; }

border.ZhCo { color: blue; }
route.ZhCo { color: lightblue; }

border.As { color: yellow; }
route.As { color: yellow; }

border.Hv { color: purple; }
route.Hv { color: gray; }

border.Kk { color: green; }
route.Kk { color: gray; }

border.JuPr { color: blue; }
route.JuPr { color: lightblue; }

route.Core\ Route { color: purple; style: dashed; }

This will almost certainly expand and be refined over time.



Option: Dim Unofficial Data

I just tossed another feature up under the settings (gear) menu. You can now "Dim Unofficial Data" - anything that hasn't gotten the "final" T5SS seal of approval is slightly grayed out.

It's not on by default. This feature has been on the "to do" list for a while but I was overthinking the problem - this is a quick hack, but I think it's kinda pretty.



T5SS Data Update - April/May 2014

The new data is now live!

Summary of changes:

  • T5SS sectors now have 4-character allegiances; these are visible on the map and in tab-delimited and column-delimited data files. The new allegiance codes are mapped to 2-character codes when "SEC" files are output or at low scales. Codes are documented at http://travellermap.com/doc/secondsurvey
  • T5SS sectors now have 1- or 2-character base codes, e.g. NS for Naval Base and Scout Base, when shown in tab-delimited and column-delimited files. They are mapped to 1-character codes when "SEC" files are output. Codes are documented at http://travellermap.com/doc/secondsurvey
  • Booklet and World Data Sheets now use the newfangled allegiance and base codes
  • The following sectors are under review as part of the T5SS. The data is updated to conform to T5SS formats, but the data is still subject to heavy change.
  • Tab-delimited files are now assumed to be UTF-8 (previously, was Windows-1252)
  • And, of course, nearly all of the sectors covered by the T5SS have had some tweaks.
This will doubtless have introduced issues visible on the site (e.g. borders and routes that need tweaking) and due to the extensive code changes it's likely bugs have crept in that will affect booklet/poster creation. Let me know here or via email and I'll try and get them fixed ASAP.



Status Update

Reference (Core 0140) - 127-2014

Not much new has appeared on the site lately - I've been busy behind the scenes. I've gotten updated Traveller 5 Sector Survey data drops from Don McKinney. In addition to the usual tweaks and fixes - such as replacing very small polities with owned worlds - two big changes are coming:

  • Base codes are no longer constrained to single characters, allowing us to drop 'A' as a shortcut for Naval Base and Scout Base and can just write 'NS'. 
  • Allegiance codes are expanded to four characters and include (where appropriate) sub-polity data. The Zhodani Consulate is now 'ZhCo', and the Third Imperium worlds in the Domain of Deneb are 'ImDd'. These new codes are guaranteed unique across charted space. Codes are only defined for worlds in T5SS regions, though - no clue yet what the Two Thousand Worlds or Hive Federation codes will be.
This is tricky since the site lets you ask for a T5SS sector in legacy SEC format, or request an unreviewed/unofficial sector in a T5 format. All the APIs need to do the right thing, translating the data as appropriate, as do the world data sheet and sector booklet. And the poster/booklet generators need to handle your old or new data correctly, which I can't test completely ahead of time.

I think I've gotten everything right in my local version, but since I'll be headed out of town for a conference next week I don't want to push up something to the site that will leave things broken while I'm gone. So... stuff will continue to be on hold until I'm back.



Paranoia's retro Vanguard Reaches and Beyond

As I hinted at, I've swapped out the previous data for these two sectors and aligned the map with the publications by Paranoia Press, as can be found on the Apocrypha II CD-ROM by FFE.

They're a bit... um... crazy. But sure, why not. Pending an official do-over, enjoy their apocryphal glory. Watch out for nebulae. And rosettes. And ringworlds. And sphereworlds.

Vanguard Reaches



Paranoia's Vanguard Reaches / Beyond Data?

Anyone have the Paranoia Press versions of the Beyond and Vanguard Reaches data?

For reference, 0101 Vanguard Reaches would be "Bingzi-Bangzi" and 0102 Beyond would be "Station One".

The data I have right now is Chuck Kallenbach II's data, via the Internet Archive at
"In September of 1994, I created new data to illustrate the then current state of both the Vanguard Reaches sector and the Beyond sector for Traveller: The New Era. These are the most recent data concerning these sectors. ... All of these files are current as of 001-1200..."
Since it's all apocryphal anyway, I'd prefer to have the crazy retro Paranoia Press sectors in all their golden age glory. Anyone?

EDIT: I have hardcopies - I'm looking for nicely formatted SEC data files.

EDIT: I believe I have this sorted now. Details to follow...


Summary of recent updates

For gruesome details, please watch the git commits. Here's a summary of recent changes.



New UI is now Live!

Since it's a long weekend here I've decided to bite the bullet. The new UI is now live as the default.

If you need the legacy UI you can temporarily reach it at:


... but I'd appreciate it if you let me know why you're switching back.

Note that I have not yet replaced the iframe.htm stub, in order to give the new UI a few days to bake. Eventually that will become a redirect to just http://travellermap.com/ - the main page detects that it's running in an iframe and hides the UI. Ω


What sectors should get an official treatment?

Over on CotI, Robert Eaglestone let the proverbial Aslan out of the bag:
...the Tuglikki sector book (Deneb's rimward neighbor), which is in its early stages of writing... 
Question for the readers: what other sectors do you think should get an official treatment, and why? Dive into Imperial sectors in more detail, or detail settings beyond the 3I?



Data Overview 2014

Belated "Happy New Year!" - time for the annual data round-up. Past Overviews

Here's what's new since 2013:
  • Adjusted Deneb borders, per T5 Second Survey.
  • Regenerated borders in the Gateway Quadrant
  • Per the T5 Second Survey, polities of only two worlds don't get borders/allegiance, and are simply "owned" worlds. This mostly affected Reavers' Deep, Trojan Reach and Glimmerdrift Reaches
  • All of the Hive Federation fleshed out c/o Mark Humphreys
  • Group One's classic version of Theta Borealis
  • Stiatlchepr by Dale Jenkins
  • Holowon by Brian Smaller and Mikhail by Ed Anderson - both adaptations of personal campaigns
  • Placeholders in K'kree space - maybe we'll get some official data for the Two Thousand Worlds someday? Pretty please?
  • Spangele by 77topaz - although Dale Jenkins sent me a version as well at almost exactly the same time!
Those last two notes should be a reminder: any unofficial data can get paved over or simply removed at any time. While you can always ping me to see if someone is working on a sector, I may not be able to share details in all cases.

Someone remind me again in 2015, okay?



Design Competition - World Data Sheet

Okay folks, anyone want to crack open a text editor and exercise their CSS and HTML chops, and come up with a World Data Sheet?

Here's an example (which pulls data from travellermap.com incidentally):

... but there are lots out there.

What's the context?

If you click on a sector in the new UI, the download menu offers links to download posters, booklets, etc. There would be an additional section if a world was clicked on, linking to this page. The "credits" area at the bottom of the screen would also link to it when world data was shown.

What should be on it?
  • Name
  • Appearance - we can use the "candy" images for now, that is images for Hyd 0-A + Siz 0, scaled. Take inspiration from the "Traveller Trading Cards" that FFE was toying with a few years ago.
  • Location - sector, subsector, hex
  • Neighborhood - jumpmap (J-3? and stats for nearby worlds; think Elite's LOCAL command) 
  • UWP - decoded
  • Trade codes - decoded
  • Bases - decoded
  • Zone - should be VERY obvious
  • Allegiance - expanded
  • T5 extension fields
  • Stars
  • ... what else?
What should it look like?
  • As a first stab, the classic GDW/FFE look for Traveller Forms & Charts - lots of whitespace, careful formatting emphasizing content, etc. 
  • It would be fun to offer a different style, e.g. like something TAS would print out for you, with big Amber Zone / Red Zone warnings plastered across it.
If you know JavaScript this can be coded up using the JSONP APIs, but if you want to hard-code the fields I can adapt a static design pretty easily.

I'll figure out prizes (beyond fame and glory) if there are any entrants. 



Custom Booklets

Experimental support for custom booklets is up at:


I've tested this in Chrome and Firefox. If it works in IE it will require at least IE9. You can use your own data or pick an existing sector, although for an existing sector it's faster to just use http://travellermap.com/booklet.html?sector=name

A lot of "fancy" script and Web Platform APIs are used, so it may be fragile. To fetch custom images using form within a page requires using the FormData, XMLHttpRequest with response type Blob and FileReader, and since there's a gob of asynchronous processing that needs to go on I bit the bullet and used ECMAScript 6 "Promisespolyfill I had sitting around. If none of that makes sense, you can take away that it's more programming voodoo than usual.

I also had to implement HTTP POST support for the sector data and sector metadata APIs; it's pretty boring - they just parse what you send and spit it back out, but it can be used to parse SEC and get T5 Tab Delimited, or MSEC and get JSON out.