Sick of having to Copy/Paste this over and over again?
<Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0202" />
<Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0303" />
<Route Style="Dashed" Start="0101" End="0404" />
And then you decide that Fu would be better represented with dotted cyan instead, and you need to do a Find/Replace? Oh, the drudgery.
I've added a new metadata element you can use to style a few elements, borders and routes. Here's what you do:
route.Fu { color: pink; style: dashed; }
<Route Allegiance="Fu" Start="0101" End="0303" />
<Route Allegiance="Fu" Start="0101" End="0404" />
Now all of Fu's routes are dashed pink, and more easily changed to dotted cyan.
It's similar to the
CSS language used in web pages. The basic structure is a list of rules:
selector, selector, ... { property: value; property: value; ... }
Selectors (the bit up front):
- type - border or route
- Optionally followed by a period (.), then allegiance
- Multiple selectors can be listed, separated with commas
- e.g. border.JuPr, border.JuRu, border.JuHl { color: blue; }
Declarations (the bit in the back):
- A declaration list occurs in { braces } after the selector list.
- Each declaration has a property, colon (:), value, semicolon (;)
- Semicolons are terminators, not separators. You need a trailing semicolon after every declaration. This is different from CSS.
- color - HTML color name or six-digit hex color #rrggbb
- width - integer or floating point number
- e.g. 2 or 1.5 or -123.456e23
- style
- borders have only color
- routes have color, width, and style
- routes can use Type instead of Allegiance
- e.g. route.Trade would select
- You can use /* comments */ anywhere you can put spaces.
- Within identifiers, you can use backslash (\) to escape characters like spaces
- e.g. route.Core\ Route { color: purple; }
- Explicit values on an element take precedence over a matching stylesheet rule.
Language boffins - here's the grammar:
stylesheet := WS rule-list WS
rule-list := rule*
rule := selector-list '{' WS declaration-list '}' WS
selector-list := selector WS ( ',' WS selector )* WS
selector := element ( '.' code )?
element := IDENT
code := IDENT
declaration-list := declaration*
declaration := property WS ':' WS value WS ';' WS
property := IDENT
IDENT := [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_] | '\' ANY)*
NUMBER := '-'? [0-9]* ('.' [0-9]+) ([eE] [-+]? [0-9]+)?
COLOR := '#' [0-9A-F]{6}
WS := ( U+0009 | U+000A | U+000D | U+0020 | '/' '*' ... '*' '/')*
border.Im { color: red; }
route.Im { color: green; }
border.SoCf { color: orange; }
route.SoCf { color: green; }
border.ZhCo { color: blue; }
route.ZhCo { color: lightblue; }
border.As { color: yellow; }
route.As { color: yellow; }
border.Hv { color: purple; }
route.Hv { color: gray; }
border.Kk { color: green; }
route.Kk { color: gray; }
border.JuPr { color: blue; }
route.JuPr { color: lightblue; }
route.Core\ Route { color: purple; style: dashed; }
This will almost certainly expand and be refined over time.