
Third Imperium fanzine

A very preliminary secret project is ready to see the light. Head over to:


(Short summary: trying to get copies of an awesome Traveller fanzine from the 1980's available online.)

UPDATE: The project is complete as of 2007-01-11, with all issues and supplements available for download. Thanks to all of the contributors! Ω


Anonymous said...

This is great! :-)

Send my thanks to Mike as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for unearthing this treasure !

Do you plan to revise the map of the Trojan Reaches ?
DGP obviously made some mistakes when creating the 1120 Map of the Trojan Reaches.
Look at 2123, 2324, 2424, 2425 (issue 2) or 3030 (issue 4)

Joshua Bell said...

I'm not quite sure what to do. Incorporating the borders and routes was one of my original intents for dusting off the Third Imperium content, but I'm not sure it's the best source of data. I'll have to review...

Anonymous said...

I've done some research in my Traveller Library and it seems that Mike Jackson was coauthor of the Trojan Reach Library Data in Travellers' Digest 20 (page 29). Furthermore TD 20 was published in 1990 and all TI issues were published before 1990. I think its therefore quite obvious that DGP used the data from Third Imperium to create the 1120 map of the Trojan Reach.
One other point: In 'Atlas of the Imperium' 3030 is named 'TOWNE'. So DGP's 'BROWNE' must definetly be wrong.